Sausalito basketry artist Emily Dvorin mixes traditional and alternative materials in the making of her innovative vessels.
Sausalito basketry artist Emily Dvorin mixes traditional and alternative materials in the making of her innovative vessels.
Sausalito basketry artist Emily Dvorin mixes traditional and alternative materials in the making of her innovative vessels.
Sausalito basketry artist Emily Dvorin mixes traditional and alternative materials in the making of her innovative vessels.
"My process includes a fair amount of experimentation. Every unique basket undergoes a creative metamorphosis in all aspects, including
color, texture, pattern, design, shape and material. "
"Sometimes I start out with an idea, or even a title. Sometimes I don't have the slightest idea
what any aspect of the piece is going to be."
"I approach my work from many different directions.
Over the years, I've learned to trust in the natural evolution of discovery, trial and error, and the occasional perfect marriage of idea and execution. Some baskets seem to come together effortlessly while others challenge every corner of my aesthetic and engineering skills. As with everything that matters, there's a reverence and a satisfaction that comes from seeing a creation from start to finish. Like disparate notes that somehow manage to sing, my pieces represent the eternal truth that wonder can be found anywhere and everywhere, as long as you remain open and determined to find it."
Contemporary basketry artist, Emily Dvorin uses unconventional and recycled materials to create her innovative vessels.